Monday, June 4, 2012

The Steampunk Journey Begins

We never really got into the whole Steampunk thing until, well... yesterday.

We attended a Steampunk event and became enthralled with the entire culture.

This blog's intent is to chronicle our Steampunk journey.  We will include projects and more (we're already working on an upcycled lightbulb turned terrarium - plus I've got an idea for a kickass nightstand for the husband).  

This blog will also deal in other sorts of "geekery" we as a couple enjoy.  We are two entirely different sorts of nerds, but sometimes we overlap - like Doctor Who and Super Mario Bros.  Don't hesitate to let us know if there is ever anything you'd like to see on here!

Can't wait to finish up our first project and post it!

Here we are enjoying each others' smooches.  We call it "Nerd Love" whenever our glasses clink together when we kiss ;)

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